Girl with a tattoo

Girl with a tattooGirl with a tattoo on the whole body, so it looks sexy

Tattoo rhinoceros animal

Tattoo image cula a rhinoceros

Cappy Christmas!

Joe Capobianco isn't just one of the most well-known pinup tattoo artists, but my personal favourite. So for Christmas, I thought I'd show a few of his early works, to get that festive spirit into you! Happy Christmas!

Cappy Christmas!

Joe Capobianco isn't just one of the most well-known pinup tattoo artists, but my personal favourite. So for Christmas, I thought I'd show a few of his early works, to get that festive spirit into you! Happy Christmas!

Stin City

These wonderful ladies were done by Stina Nyman. Wow!

Stin City

These wonderful ladies were done by Stina Nyman. Wow!

Everything's Coming Up Roses

And finally for today, a thing of pure beauty from Valerie Vargas.

Everything's Coming Up Roses

And finally for today, a thing of pure beauty from Valerie Vargas.

The Dark Ages

The picture quality isn't up to snuff, but I'm too big a fan of Derek Noble's Old School work to not post these...

The Dark Ages

The picture quality isn't up to snuff, but I'm too big a fan of Derek Noble's Old School work to not post these...


Nice mer-nurse from Chad Stone.


Nice mer-nurse from Chad Stone.

Beauty Asian Teen Girl with Red Star Tattoo

nautical red star tattoo

Asian teen girl with Red Star Tattoo design in the white sexy body, this tattoo is very match with her body and skin color.

Permanent Tattoo with Compas and Star Design

nautical star tattoo design

Permanent tattoo with Compass and Star art design in the girl body.

Sweet Flower Tattoo Design on Girl Back Body

red flower tattoo

Red Flower tattoo design on the sexy teen girl body.

Maori Tattoo Designs Gallery

Maori Tattoo Designs GalleryThis Maori woman, which is photographed in the Tamaki Maori Village shows proudly her different designs and tattos during a celebration show.

Red Devil

A classic Elvgren interpretation, by Jani.

Red Devil

A classic Elvgren interpretation, by Jani.

Depiction of dragon tattoo

Depiction of dragon tattooThere are great many different styles and types of dragon tattoos. These can be cartoon depictions of dragons or cute little images of smiling or kissing dragon tattoos that are popular in younger women and girls.

Vamp Collector

Paul Acker's realistic vampires are a touch good, no? Wonderful use of colour, although I suppose I'm straining to call them pin-ups, perhaps.

Vamp Collector

Paul Acker's realistic vampires are a touch good, no? Wonderful use of colour, although I suppose I'm straining to call them pin-ups, perhaps.